Improve your keyboarding rhythm & increase your typing speed!

These are simpler, more repetitious exercises that help you to develop typing speed and confidence. If this is your first time here, please read the instructions and overview before you begin!

Play the WPM metronome at an attainable typing speed for a few beats, and then try to type to that rhythm for the whole exercise:

Words per minute (WPM)

Press the orange button to begin. Remember, always read ahead of where you are currently typing. And stay relaxed at all times!

When you feel you’re typing as fast as possible with rhythm and control, return to Lesson 13: Bottom Row Left: ZXCVB!

zz xx vv bb bbbb xxxx bbxx xxxx cccc ccxx ccc bbb cbcbcb cc xx bb vv XXCC XCXC zz cc vv bb bbbb vvvv bbvv Zzzz Zzz vvv xxx vxvxvx zzz bbb zbzbzb zzzz bbbb zzbb zz xx cc vv bvcxz bvcxz xxccvvbb xcvb xcvb zz bb xx vv

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