Up until now, each finger has been responsible for only one key. If only life were so simple! Each finger will eventually be responsible for multiple keys, some more than others!

In this lesson, we ease you in gently by introducing one additional letter for each index finger: the G key for the left hand index, and the H key for the right hand index.

The good news: in this lesson you get to type actual words!

Remind yourself of the Principles for Effective Learning before you begin. If you need them, here are the Instructions for Use.

new! Try the Musical Typing and Speed Typing variations of the below exercise!

Click the orange button when you're ready to begin this lesson's exercise!

flag lags kafka flags gas flask ahhh; hassal adds dash lash gaff flasks has salad haha; hah; flash halls glad saga jag jags ha sagas all; gag shall salads half galla shag lad;

If the above exercise isn't working for you, please click here.

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