Here you will test your skills with all the special characters on keys from all rows.

So not only will you get all the stuff from the numbers row you just learned, but I will also include the forward-slash and question mark for good measure! I'll even throw in the quotes, apostrophe, colon and semi-colon, no extra charge!

Just as with the letter keys, keep the Principles for Effective Learning in mind at all times!

[|> _\ ]? >( ~[-| ]$| > [# -[{ #| %$ \= _) (] !/` \_ _? & ]$ [#?( {) ~\]_ *? +](! ++ {- @#- !~ -|= ^` [/ {>\< [= (& (< \\~ ^? }{@ /? _+[ {_ )}\& #\ @=! ]` `- -^% <?] $\ [_

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