Here we will consolidate your knowledge of the bottom row by combining the material from the last two lessons.

Unfortunately it's going to seem like you're typing in Klingon, since there are no vowels to be found the bottom row.

Don't worry about those angled brackets above the comma and period; we'll get to those a wee bit later in the brackets lesson.

new! Try out the new Speed Typing and Musical Typing versions of the below exercise!

Click the orange button when you're ready to begin this lesson's exercise!

Xb, zm VC Nx Zn XXCC nn.. ..,, Bm bn. BM ,,.,,. Cvcb Bbcb. vcvc Nz, Mxxn mzbv. Bbnx ,.., bbnn MxMx Zcbv Zz nnnn Zb ,,,, xn xxmm cv zzxx nN ZZZZZZ zmcb Nc nx BN Nmmz ??? xz zzv

If the above exercise isn't working for you, please click here.

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