And here are the last 5 letters on the keyboard for you to learn: Z for the pinky, X for the ring, C for the middle and the index takes care of both V and B.

B is actually a hard one. Notice how much farther your left-hand finger has to stretch to reach B from its position in the home row (on F) than your right-hand index finger has to reach for its bottom row extended character, N, from its home row position (on J). Just knowing this will help to reduce errors, but don't be surprised if you get tripped up on the B early on.

By now you probably have them memorized, but here are the Principles for Effective Learning anyways! Make sure you have them in mind before doing any typing!

For some variety and supplementary practice, here are some things you can do before and/or after this lesson's exercise. They're fun (& educational); try them out!

Click the orange button when you're ready to begin this lesson's exercise!

ccb cz bbzz ZZZ c bZ xxb CCC bxzc zzz cvcvc bx cczz xV bxbbz vbvbv bcxz vV zv zc vbcz bv x zxx xc ccz bb cx zzc zzvv bcvx V bvvbvv vczx bxvc xxzz xc cv bbx cv Zvx bz bvzc vc zzx

If the above exercise isn't working for you, please click here.

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