Learning to type Linux and UNIX commands super-fast will make you a much more efficiend coder. How many of these do you know, BTW?

Every time you visit this page you will get a new exercise. As with the lessons, the Principles for Effective Learning apply here as you strive to increase your keyboarding skills. If you find your typing needs attention in a specific area, please visit the typing lessons section and find the lesson that best suit you needs!

If you haven't used these exercises before, here are the Instructions for Use, otherwise take a deep breath and click the button to get started!

Afterwards if you want some more practice with your computer programming typing, try these practice exercises as well:

uucp renice bc fg true pax qhold env uux nm sh od echo cut jobs man patch admin qmsg ps expand vi uuencode cxref at alias mailx strings read val mv yacc lp command qsig umask lex uname sact touch nohup asa uudecode unexpand strip file write ed getopts cflow find unget stty rm basename zcat ls mkfifo logname diff rmdel qsub grep sleep gencat logger pathchk tabs df talk mesg link cal tsort kill xargs split

Please click here if the above exercise isn't working for you.

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